Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE: Ann Murguia, Unified Government Mayor/CEO

We continue looking at our political candidates today with Ann Murguia, a current Unified Government Commissioner who's running for mayor of Wyandotte County. This is the third mayoral candidate in our series. We'll be checking in with Janice Witt tomorrow. Thanks to all the candidates who have returned questionnaires so far!

1. What in your background (or what experience) makes you believe you are qualified to serve as mayor of Wyandotte County?

I am currently serving my second term as a Unified Government Commissioner.? I have an undergraduate degree in Human Services and a Masters degree in Business Administration.? I have been proud to be part of all the negotiations, planning and implementation of major projects like Cerner, Hollywood Casino, Sporting KC Park and the expansions at General Motors.

However, in addition to those large projects I have worked with residents, businesses and a variety of other organizations to raise millions in private dollars for curb and sidewalk, millions of dollars in new housing and hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring a new $3.2 million grocery store to a food desert in WYCO. In partnership with USD500 and a number of hard working, dedicated WYCO citizens, we were able to raise $2 million dollars in private funds for a brand new $6 million library.? These are some of my accomplishments that separate me from my opponents.

2. As a candidate, what would be your top three priorities as mayor if you?re elected mayor?


However, Wyandotte County is a very diverse community.? I believe that surveying residents by district will ensure that whether you live in the newest area of our city or the oldest area of the city, your needs and wants will be heard and met.? This data will allow us to budget government funds by district to ensure that every area of the county is getting something for their tax dollars.

3.? A two-part question - What distinguishes you as the top candidate for this position and what differences should voters in Wyandotte County look at before making their choice?

TAXES ? I am the ONLY candidate that is an elected official that has never voted for a property tax increase!

All the elected officials running for Mayor have the experience of developing the Village West area and being part of large expansion projects across the county like General Motors and Sara Lee.

HOWEVER,? I am the only candidate that has been involved in successfully redeveloping one of Wyandotte Counties most challenging areas of our urban core.? As I said above,? I have worked with residents, businesses and a variety of other organizations to raise millions in private dollars for curb and sidewalk, millions of dollars in new housing and hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring a new $3.2 million grocery store to a food desert in WYCO. In partnership with USD500 and a number of hard working, dedicated WYCO citizens we were able to raise $2 million dollars in private funds for a brand new $6 million library.? These are some of my accomplishments that separate me from my opponents.

4.? In the next three to four years, millions of dollars will become available after the city finishes off paying bonds that were issued to increase the economic development in Western Wyandotte County. As the mayor, how would you encourage that money to be spent?

Property tax reduction.

5. What in your opinion are the three biggest challenges facing Wyandotte County? If you feel there are more than three to list, feel free too.

  • Our property tax rate is crippling families and businesses in Wyandotte County. I am the only candidate that is an elected official that has never voted for a property tax increase.
  • The rapidly diminishing tax base in the downtown and north eastern area of our community.? Though we have had great success out in western Wyandotte County, the tax base in mid town and the eastern side of the city is declining at a much faster rate.? I am the only candidate that has the experience and results in urban redevelopment to turn this around.
  • Jobs. As we grow businesses in Wyandotte County we need to take aggressive steps to ensure our business partners understand the importance of hiring local people at a livable wage.??
6. Do you feel the Unified Government can do more to increase growth in areas outside of Western Wyandotte County, particularly the northeast part of Wyandotte County?

Absolutely!? Though I think the last two Mayors made a lot of effort to redevelop the urban core, the tax base continues to decline. A simple drive through my commission district is physical evidence of what can be accomplished under my leadership.? The fourth largest increase in median income in the county, the least number of delinquent properties in the urban core and the largest urban redevelopment project in Wyandotte County in decades is evidence of a sustainable plan (Ann?s Plan) for urban redevelopment.


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